Unlock Your Team's Potential with Affordable Lynda Group Pricing

The title you came up with is good, but it can be even stronger by specifying the type of potential you're helping teams unlock and mentioning the platform itself (Lynda is now LinkedIn Learning). Here are a couple of options:

  • Empower Your Team: Affordable LinkedIn Learning Prices for Skill Development (This title focuses on skill development and mentions the affordability of LinkedIn Learning specifically)
  • Boost Your Team's Performance: The Best Value Training with LinkedIn Learning (This title focuses on performance improvement and positions LinkedIn Learning as the best value option)

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Target audience: Is there a specific type of team you're targeting (e.g., marketing teams, sales teams)? You could mention that in the title.
  • Focus on specific benefits: Are there any specific skills or areas of knowledge that LinkedIn Learning can help teams with? Highlighting those in the title could make it even more relevant to your target audience.

Overall, a strong title will grab attention, clearly communicate the value proposition, and target the right audience.

lynda group pricing

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